Go Nanjing Market Exploration” Webinar had a successful conclusion on December 1st.

Organized by GlobaltechIP International Technology Transfer Centre, in conjunction with CBBC (the China Britain Business Council) and Big Innovation Center, the 5-week “Go Nanjing Market Exploration” Webinar had a successful conclusion on December 1st. The goal of “Go Nanjing” webinar is to help all overseas high-tech enterprises and talents who want to explore the Chinese market. Experts, scholars and industry leaders are invited to give detailed lectures and guidance about the industry, market opportunities, entrepreneurial risks, landing preparation, and operational guidance in China.

The first seminar invited Mr. Mark Hedley, Director of CBBC London, to deliver a lecture on “China’s Evolving Innovation Ecosystem”. In addition, CEO of GlobaltechIP Mr. Peter Tensen, and co-founder of GlobaltechIP Ms. Kristina Rayko, also gave an in-depth analysis of the differences between the Chinese and foreign markets. Case studies and business plan development for overseas companies were also shared.

This year’s seminar series has attracted widespread attention in all overseas innovation communities. The number of participants has reached a record high. Since the first seminar was held on November 2, more than 150 companies and institutions from Europe, America and CIS, including the UK, Germany, Serbia, Russia, South Africa and Brazil, participated.

The organizers also kept innovating in terms of content, encouraging communication and interaction during the Webinar. Each seminar has a free Q&A session. Participants were invited to speak and exchange ideas freely.

The Go Nanjing program is divided into 3 phases: entrepreneurship training, two-way matchmaking, and business landing. Along with the perfect conclusion of the China Market Exploration Seminar Series, participants who performed well in the seminar were selected to enter the second and third stages, which will start the substantive matchmaking and landing.

More than 20 outstanding participants shared their innovative projects in roadshows. Those industries includes medical, health, software, and new energy. For example, the scientific research team from Serbia shared their newly developed chip optics technology to make rapid and lightweight cell analysis instruments become true. It is believed that in the near future, these companies will ahcieve a success in China.

The “Go Nanjing” project has been committed to building a platform for interaction and exchange between Chinese and overseas innovation and entrepreneurship projects as well as high-end talents. Relying on the unique overseas and domestic resources of GlobaltechIP International Technology Transfer Center. People can connect with each other easily on Go Nanjing’s platform, and it can also help domestic and overseas enterprises succeed in the international market!
