Nanjing Overseas
Centre in Moscow Oblast


  • The Nanjing Overseas Collaborative Innovation Centre(Moscow Oblast)was sponsored by Nanjing Yuhua soft-valley.
  • It is set up to introduce Russian projects, capital, technology, talents and other innovative elements into Nanjing, China,
  • The center strive to  help Nanjing enterprises and projects explore Russian Market.


  • Cooperation Agreements

    Signed 2 International cooperation agreements

  • Overseas Projects in Nanjing

    Introduced 5 overseas projects in Nanjing

  • Overseas Talents

    Introduced 10 overseas high-level talents to Nanjing

  • Promotional Events

    Held 24 promotional events

  • Matchmaking Meetings

    Organized over 19 project matchmaking meetings

    Check out our work

    • Loda Lab Safety IoT Project
    • Joint Russian-Chinese R&D project on intelligent milking robots
    • Project landed-Robbo
    • Project landed-Arcona
    • “Innovation Acceleration Programme “Into the Software Valley
    • China-Russia (Nanjing) Innovation and Cooperation Service Centre

    Take a look at
